FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
1. How much is Dinner Money?
Presently the daily cost is covered by the Mayor's fund.
2. What time does school start?
We start school at 08.55 am. The gate is open from 8.45am to allow for a staggered start. Morning registration ends at 9am. School finishes at 3.30pm. Children are in school 32.5 hours a week.
3. Where can I buy uniform?
Our uniform can be bought at Bailwood Uniform Store, Lewisham. See leaflet for more information. You can buy grey trousers/skirts, white polo shirts and other uniform items at any local supermarket or clothing stores.
4. How do I make an application for a school place?
A request for a nursery place can be done by emailing the school.
Children can be entered on the list from their second birthday onwards. The school’s admission policy follows the Lewisham guidelines.
Priority is given to:
- Children in Public care
- Children who have identified Special Educational Needs- supported by documentation
- Brothers and sisters living at the same address and attending Baring Primary or Nursery School
- Baring Nursery School is the nearest school
The Lewisham 2 point of entry admission policy means that children should be offered 3 or 4 terms in the Nursery and that at least one of these terms can be full-time, before entry to main school, subject to availability of places.
When applying for a place to start Reception in September, parents must APPLY using the Common Application Form (CAF).
Main School – Reception Class
Places in main school are offered as follows:
- In September for children who reach their fifth birthday between 1st September and 31st August
- In January for children who reach their fifth birthday between 1st March and 31st August and whose parents prefer them to begin Reception class at this time. (http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/education/schools/school-admission/applying-to-start-primary-school/Pages/The-age-at-which-children-start-pimary-school.aspx)
By law children must receive full-time education from the beginning of the school term following their fifth birthday, We have a policy of offer a school place earlier as a ‘rising five’. From September 2012, there will be a single point of entry to reception class in September. Parents can ask to defer entry, but not beyond the beginning of the term after their child becomes 5, or beyond the reception year.)
Lewisham Admissions coordinate places. Baring Primary School is a community school and as such priority is given to children in the following order:
- Children in public care (also called Looked After) or a child previously in care but has been adopted or those subject to a residence order or special guardianship.
- Children with an exceptional medical or social need for Baring School, which is supported by professional documentation
- Children whose brother, sister , half siblings or foster siblings live at the same address and are on roll at Baring Primary School and will be on roll at the intended day of admission.
- Children living closest to Baring Primary
The number of places available at the school is published annually and the school can not exceed that number, which is allocated with regards to available accommodation in the school. There are 30 main school places in each year group.
Lewisham Council has an admission appeal procedure.
For further details regarding appeals please telephone: 020 8314 8577
For further details regarding school admissions please telephone: 020 8314 8282
Further information can be obtained from the school office and also at http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/education/schools/school-admission/applying-to-start-primary-school/Pages/default.aspx
5. What should I do if my child is bullied?
Advise your child to speak to an adult in the school. This can be any member of staff that they feel comfortable with. You may also wish to support your child by talking to the teacher with your child. We would encourage that they report any incident to the class teacher as they can observe behaviour during lessons and advise lunchtime staff as necessary. We take accusations of bullying very seriously and any incidents are dealt with appropriately and with speed. If you are concerned about your child please speak to the head teacher and never approach a child or the parent.
6. Can I park at the school?
We do not have a car parking facilities on site. The school is situated on residential roads and we ask parents to park legally and with due consideration for our neighbours.
7. Can my child cycle or scoot to school?
Yes, your child can cycle or scoot if they are accompanied by an adult. If you wish your child to cycle on their own we would need a permission letter from the parent with parental responsibility. A secure cycle shed is provided on site.
8. Can my child walk to school alone?
No, children must be accompanied by an adult. If you wish an older child (usually Year 5 or 6) to walk to school alone we must receive an email requesting permission.
9. What should I put in my child’s packed lunch?
We encourage healthy eating and expect parents to choose healthily when creating a packed lunch.
An example of a healthy packed lunch:
- A sandwich (no peanut butter)
- No crisps except baked snacks eg. Baked crisps, cheddars.
- A wafer biscuit e.g. kit kat, blue ribband.
- Yoghurt and a piece of fruit.
- Bottle of water or juice.
- No sweets, fizzy drinks, nuts or chocolate (unless covering a wafer/biscuit)
10. What do I do if my child has lost a piece of clothing?
Parents must either sew a name label into all clothing or write the child’s name in indelible ink. We are able to provide the use of an indelible ink pen when purchasing school uniform, and there is also an indelible pen in all classrooms. If an item goes missing your child must inform the class teacher and class teaching assistant and look in the lost property. We will do our utmost to find lost items but we are unable to provide a replacement.
11. Where will my child go when they finish Baring in Year 6?
We offer varied support in the transition from primary to secondary school. This process includes a parents’ meeting, workshops, Lewisham booklets and individual meetings with the head teacher. The school will keep you well informed regarding the CAF (Common Application Form) process. Due to our geographical location, our pupils go on to various secondary schools across Lewisham, Greenwich, Bexley, Bromley and Kent.
12. When will my child start in Reception?
This will depend on their age and parental preference, usually children join Reception class in the September before their 5th birthday. Please see the school prospectus under the Admission section and for further advice you can speak to the school office staff.
13. Can my child bring toys in to school?
No, we normally discourage toys or collectables (e.g. football cards) being brought to school, unless the class teacher has specifically requested that they do. Please always check with the class teacher.
14. Can I receive the newsletter by email?
Yes - it is sent out weekly and a copy is available on the website or via the school office.
15. What is the best time to talk to the teacher if I have a question?
We would discourage parents from trying to talk to a teacher in the morning as they are busy preparing for the school day. We would advise you to speak to the teacher at the end of the school day after all the children have been dismissed. We can also make appointments in the school office for parents to see the class teacher or another member of staff.
16. Is there before and after school provision?
We now have our own 'in-house' wrap around service Rainbow Wrap Around Care. This operates Monday to Friday 7.30am - 8.45am and 3.30pm - 6pm.
At Baring we offer a variety of clubs for different age groups. These may run before school from 8am (not including breakfast) or after school from 3.30 -4.30pm. Clubs change every term and you will always be notified in the first week of the new term so you can apply.
17. How can parents get involved?
We encourage parents to get involved in various ways from attending trips to individual reading. If you have a child at Baring you are automatically a member of our PTFA. We welcome new members onto our committee at our annual AGM but we always need help with new ideas and contacts. If you work for a company that is able to sponsor or donate to fundraising in the school please email admin@baring.lewisham.sch.uk subject: fundraising.
If you are asked to help or you would like to help please see Lorraine in the school office to go through some paperwork!