On line safety (previously known as eSafety)
Keeping your child safe on YouTube - Keeping your toddler safe on line - Digital 5 a day on our dedicated page here
E-safety on line training course for parents from Lewisham's Safeguarding Children Board - information here
How do we teach on line safety in school?
At Baring we encourage use by pupils of the rich information resources available on the Internet, together with the appropriate skills to analyse and evaluate such resources, but, are you concerned about your child/ren's activity on the Internet? We hope these links will help you with some of the common issues faced by you as parents of children using the rapidly expanding and inviting resources that can be found when using the Internet.
See articles from Parent Info on keeping children safe on our dedicated page here
Are you worried about Cyberbullying? Do you want to know what Cyberbullying is?
Common Sense Media offer answers to questions that you might have with age appropriate advice
Know IT All for Parents
An interactive guide to the Internet which is available in other languages as well - view the presentation here
Vodafone Parent's Guide
The Vodafone Digital Parenting website contains some really useful information - view it here. Download their most recent magazine Issue 6 - Digital Superheroes : read about how building resilience will help your child stay safe and be happy online plus many more articles
Advice and information about smartphones (Blackberry and iPhone), gaming devices (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PSP, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DSi), internet enabled devices including iPods and iPads, from the UK Safer Internet Centre - view the guides here
Adding Parental Controls to the Internet at Home
Some guidelines from the UK Safer Internet Centre on how you can add parental control to your Internet provider - view the guidelines here. Fed up with time wasted doing Internet searches? Try using the advanced search within Google, if you type in the exact words you are looking for it will give you fewer pages to scroll through! Try this link; to find it yourself on the google page scroll down to find the 'settings' and then choose advanced search.
A Google Search Engine for Children
Worried about 'Googling' and what that might result in? Google have a safe search engine for children try it here.
Digital Citizenship
The Digizen website provides information for educators, parents, carers, and young people. It is used to strengthen their awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is and encourages users of technology to be and become responsible DIGItal citiZENS. It shares specific advice and resources on issues such as social networking and cyberbullying and how these relate to and affect their own and other people's online experiences and behaviours. View the parents section of the website here.
Facebook is not for the under 13s - see this guidance put together by the London Grid for Learning
Need help?
The UK Safer Internet Centre has a list here of other organisations to get advice and support from; click here
Websites you can use to support children's understanding of staying safe on line
Please click here to visit a page for links and videos to share with your child to raise their awareness of staying safe on line.
And finally, a website containing lots of information to keep children save from abuse on line from CEOP (Child Exploitation and On Line Protection)