School Policies
At Baring School we aim to become a community of life-long learners, striving for excellence and inspired by achievement and success. Our policies below show how we operate. Paper copies of our school policies and other information provided on the website are available on request from the school office or by email (
Attendance: We recognise that good attendance is central to raising standards and pupil attainment. For children to reach full potential from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and be at school, on time, every day.
The Arts: The Arts include Music, Dance, Drama and Art and Design. At Baring, these are recognised as discrete subjects but also as tools for enhancing creativity and learning across the whole curriculum including health and well-being. We believe that learning in the arts fosters creativity, flexibility, independence and self esteem and these are essential to enable our pupils to succeed in an ever more rapidly changing world.
Art Policy
Anti - Bullying: All pupils at Baring can expect to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without the fear of being bullied. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone. It is unacceptable and will not be tolerated
Behaviour: We expect children to come to school and take a positive part in the learning process. Behaviour that disrupts learning or does not respect other members of the school community and wider community will not be tolerated and action will be taken. Restorative Justice appendix.
CCTV (Closed Circuit Television): We have installed Closed Circuit Television surveillance equipment in order to deter unauthorised trespass to the school grounds and premises.
Charging: To support learning in all areas of the curriculum, children go on a variety of school trips and visits and a range of performers visit the school.
Children with health needs who cannot attend school: if your child has a long-term health condition and cannot attend school this policy outlines the support you can expect to be given
Child Protection/Safeguarding: The policy includes specific guidelines for our staff that shows how we deal with child protection issues and the safeguarding of children.
Code of conduct policy: This policy explains how employees are expected to give the highest possible standard of service to pupils and parents as part of their duties
Collective Worship: The collective worship that we deliver will recognise and value the cultural, linguistic and religious diversity of our school population and is also conducted in line with our Equal Opportunities policy
Complaints: We aim to provide children with the best possible education and meet their needs as well as we can. However, in any school, parents may occasionally feel concerned about something or have a complaint. If you do have a complaint you wish to make then we want to hear from you, to view a flowchart that shows you the steps you can take, click here.
Computing and ICT : We understand that children are growing up in an ICT-rich environment and plan to provide them opportunities for meaningful ICT experiences from their earliest years at school. ICT prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology.
Data protection: We will ensure that under the Data Protection Act 2018 all school personnel are able to access their personal data that is held about them. We believe it is our duty to respond to any request of access within 40 days. Click here to download the school's workforce privacy notice. Recruitment Privacy notice. Pupil Privacy notice and Parent/Carer Privacy notice
Design and technology: In Design and Technology children are engaging in the process of design, making and evaluating products fit for a purpose.
Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Plan: Explains how we at Baring Primary School aim to ensure equality of education and opportunity for disabled pupils, staff and all those receiving services from the school.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): The early years education we offer our children is based on what the children already know and can do. We offer opportunities for learning that have a range of starting points and provision that matches the needs of young children and provides opportunities for learning both indoors and outdoors in a rich and stimulating environment. Appendices 1. Home visit leaflet 2. WoW cards 3. New admission leaflet
Educational visits: Outdoor education provides memorable opportunities to investigate and experience the environment at first hand. In the process young people develop independence, self-confidence and responsibility that combine with new knowledge to impact positively on standards achieved in the classroom. At Baring we use the Lewisham guidance on outdoor education ‘There and Back Again’.
English: Literacy is at the heart of the drive to raise standards at Baring School. It unites the important skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Good communication skills enhance children’s understanding of language in both spoken and written forms. It is also an important part of the process through which children read and compose texts.
Equality Information (public sector duty) statement for publication
Fire: This shows our fire safety provision to protect and safe lives.
Food: We aim to ensure that clear, consistent messages regarding healthier food choices are provided for the whole school community. Our policy further aims to provide quality, healthy food to all pupils, ensuring there is awareness of the positive cultural and religious diversity within the school.
Geography: Geography has an important role in the curriculum as its central ideas can help children gain an understanding of the complex and diverse nature of the world in which they live.
Health and safety: We recognise the importance of health and safety and welfare and believe that it is necessary for the active participation of all staff to maintain the highest standards of accident prevention. Activities are conducted with due regard to all statutory requirements to minimise risks to pupils, employees and others affected by our activities and operations.
History: The study of how people lived and acted in the past, it involves finding and evaluating evidence to interpret the past.
Home learning: We strive to inform and involve parents in their children’s learning by encouraging independent research, extending and supporting class learning and providing additional practice of skills.
Marking and feedback: We believe that marking and feedback is an important and integral part of teaching and learning. It enables us to communicate our high expectations to pupils and give children the necessary information to continuously improve. To this end we aim to make marking focused, purposeful and timely.
Mathematics: We want children to find out for themselves that mathematics is fascinating, exciting and fund and where appropriate provide a range of practical hands-on activities and games. Our calculations policy shows how we teach children to use numbers - add, subtract, multiply and divide.
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL): Teaching MFL was made compulsory for Key Stage 2 children in the 2014 changes to the National Curriculum. At Baring we aim to teach pupils the features of the chosen language (French) – its patterns and grammar, to converse in the language with accurate pronunciation and intonation, to read and show understanding of the language in written form and to listen attentively to the language and join in with songs and rhymes.rful and u Financial management: Our code of practice brings together decisions made and systems established by the Governing Body of Baring School in line with the Local Authority’s Financial Regulations, the advice of the Audit Commission, and the Borough Auditors.nique form of communication that can change the way children feel, think and act. As an integral part of culture past and present, it helps pupils understand themselves and others.
Nursery Class Admissions Policy: Explains our criteria for admission to our Nursery class and accessing the 30 hour entitlement and top up fees
On line acceptable use policies :
1) on line safety agreement form for parents including taking photos and videos at school events
2) for KS1 pupils using computing technology
3) for KS2 pupils using computing technology
Physical Education (P.E.): We recognise the important role that physical education plays in a child’s social and academic development. We also realise the integral part that our equal opportunities policy plays in the teaching and learning involved in P.E.
PHSE (Personal Social and Health Education) and Citizenship: We believe that the PHSE and Citizenship Curriculum is important in preparing children to become responsible, functional and committed
citizens in the 21st century.
Positive Handling and Use of Force Policy: The use of Force is a protective measure and is only used when other methods have failed or are likely to fail. The use of force is to prevent a more serious harm from occurring.
Prevent: Our approach to the Prevent Duty that shows how we support children to begin to understand forms of terrorism and radicalisation. See Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy
Safe touch policy : explains the need for such a policy and shows how we use touch in our school
School rules: Our three rules are: Ready, Respectful, Safe
Science policy: Science is about children exploring, finding out and making sense of their world. It is a body of ever changing knowledge.
Separated Parents Policy : This policy summaries the legal framework in respect of separated parents. It attempts to minimise any impact, clarify to all parties what is expected from separated parents and what can be expected from the school/staff.
Special education needs (SEND) and Inclusion: We endeavour to ensure that every child has equal access to the curriculum and is able to play a full part in the whole life of the school. Please click here to see our Local Offer (how the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are met at Baring).
Sun Safe PolicyTeaching and learning: Central to everything are our beliefs; in equipping children with the appropriate life skills; enabling children to achieve their full potential in terms of academic success; developing self-respect and respect for the rights and views of others; making learning meaningful and fulfilling.