GSO Test

Applying for a place at Baring

Nursery Class

An application for nursery can be obtained from the school by emailing the office, children can be entered on the list from their second birthday onwards.

The school’s admission policy follows the Lewisham guidelines.

Priority is given to:

  • Children in Public care
  • Children who have identified Special Educational Needs- supported by documentation
  • Brothers and sisters living at the same address and attending Baring Primary School
  • Baring School is the nearest school

Please note that a place in the Nursery class DOES NOT GUARANTEE a place in the school. 

Main School – Reception Class

Starting Reception Class in September 2021

Children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 will start primary school in September 2024. Applications can be made from Friday 1 September 2023 until 11.59pm on Friday 12 January 2024.

When applying for a place to start Reception in September, parents must APPLY using the Common Application Form (CAF).  Following this link that will take you directly to the eadmissions website.

There is a lot of information on Lewisham's web site about choosing a school for your child including reminders of key dates and application tips.  Visit Lewisham's web site here. (You will need an email address to make an application; do speak to the Nursery or the Office staff who will be happy to help with making an application.)

A guide to making the on line application through the eadmissions web site can be viewed here 

Places in main school are offered as follows:

By law children must receive full-time education from the beginning of the school term following their fifth birthday. Our policy is to offer a school place earlier as a ‘rising five’, since September 2012, there has been single point of entry to reception class in September.  Parents can ask to defer entry, but not beyond the beginning of the term after their child becomes 5, or beyond the reception year (Click here to read an article about Primary starting dates on Lewisham's web site).

Lewisham Admissions coordinate all other places.

Baring Primary School is a community school and as such priority is given to children in the following order:

  • Children in public care (also called Looked After) or a child previously in care but has been adopted or those subject to a residence order or special guardianship.
  • Children with an exceptional medical or social need for Baring School, which is supported by professional documentation
  • Children whose brother, sister, half siblings or foster siblings live at the same address and are on roll at Baring Primary School and will be on roll at the intended day of admission.
  • Children living closest to Baring Primary

The number of places available at the school is published annually and the school can not exceed that number, which is allocated with regards to available accommodation in the school.  There are 30 main school places in each year group.

Applying during the school year from another school

There is a different process to request a transfer to a different school which begins with a discussion with the Headteacher of the current school.  Find out more here 


Lewisham Council has an admission appeal procedure.

- you can read about the appeals procedure here .

For further details regarding appeals please telephone:  020 8314 8577

For further details regarding school admissions please telephone: 020 8314 8282

Further information can be obtained from the school office and also from this link - click here

A document is also available to view here