A place to enjoy learning and have fun
About Baring School
Baring Primary School is a small, friendly school, which serves a relatively small area immediately adjacent to the school. It is a one-form entry school, taking up to 30 pupils in each year group. At the moment, we have an additional, or ‘bulge’ class, in one year group. The Nursery operates for the morning only and is staffed by a Teacher, a qualified Nursery Nurse and a Teaching Assistant.
The children and parents of Baring reflect the diverse local population and we are proud of the rich and varied cultures within our community. Our families speak over 40 different languages. This diversity helps to make Baring a special place where we value our similarities and differences and learn from one other.
Located close to the South Circular road, the school consists of a mixture of old and new buildings. The traditional Victorian school building was substantially altered in the early 1980’s and a new frontage built, consisting of a hall, offices and our ICT Suite. More recently two new classrooms have been built which has greatly improved our space. Our playground was re-designed and re-surfaced in September 2017.
The curriculum at Baring is enhanced with many trips and visitors for all year groups. We are extremely proud of our 'Forest School' where all year groups are able to access learning outdoors. We aim to use public transport as much as possible and encourage parents to be an active part of all learning experiences. Parents support with fund-raising events both for the school and other charities such as Save the Children and the NSPCC.
The school has a committed staff which works hard to enable the pupils in its care to achieve high standards. We are ably supported by an active Governing Body.
Mission Statement
At Baring Primary School we strive for excellence and are inspired by achievement and success.
We believe our vision can be realised by promoting:
- Relevant, stimulating and enriching teaching.
- Partnership with parents.
- Use of our environment to facilitate and inspire learning.
- The cultures, backgrounds and experiences of all members of the school and wider community.
- A risk-taking culture of learners.
- A community which celebrates success and achievement, and places a high value on the contributions of all its members.
We believe that by monitoring and evaluating our aims we will be able to establish realistic targets for continuous improvement and school development.